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Hyperresonant Thoracic Percussion


Hyperresonant thoracic percussion refers to an abnormally resonant sound obtained when percussing the chest. This finding suggests the presence of excess air in the pleural space or the lung parenchyma, which may indicate various pulmonary pathologies. Hyperresonance can be a manifestation of conditions leading to pulmonary hyperinflation or the presence of free air in the pleural cavity.


Clinical Symptoms and Signs

Suspected Diagnosis

Confirmatory Diagnosis


Progressive dyspnoea, chronic cough, decreased breath sounds, barrel chest

Smoking history, physical examination, hyperresonance on percussion

Chest X-ray, chest computed tomography (CT), spirometry

Large Pulmonary Bullae

Dyspnoea, chest pain, decreased breath sounds in the affected area

Medical history, physical examination, localized hyperresonance

Chest X-ray, chest CT


Sudden chest pain, dyspnoea, decreased or absent breath sounds on the affected side

Medical history, physical examination, hyperresonance on percussion on the affected side

Chest X-ray, chest CT

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