Nodules around the elbow can be manifestations of various medical conditions, presenting as palpable soft tissue masses.
Here is a description of the suspected and confirmed diagnoses, the suggested complementary tests, and the common pathologies that can cause this condition:
Pathology | Diagnosis of Suspicion | Diagnosis of Confirmation |
Osteoarthritis | Pain and stiffness in the elbow, worsening with activity, improving with rest. Palpable nodules may be osteophytes. | Elbow X-rays showing osteophytes, joint space narrowing, subchondral sclerosis. |
Rheumatoid Nodules | Patient with a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, presence of firm, non-tender nodules around the elbow. | Confirmation through positive rheumatoid factor or anti-CCP, correlation with disease activity. |
Xanthomatosis | Soft, yellowish nodules under the skin, in patients with possible lipid disorders. | Biopsy of the nodule showing lipid deposits, elevated lipid profile analysis. |
Gouty Tophi | History of gout, presence of hard, painful nodules in the elbow, exacerbated during acute attacks. | Confirmation through nodule aspiration and visualisation of urate crystals under polarised microscopy, elevated serum uric acid levels. |