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Scalp Itching


Scalp itching is an uncomfortable sensation that prompts the need to scratch. It can be caused by various dermatological conditions, infections, allergic reactions, or even psychological factors.

Itching may be accompanied by other symptoms such as redness, scaling, and the appearance of lesions on the scalp. Identifying the underlying cause is important for appropriate treatment.


Suspected Diagnosis

Confirmatory Diagnosis


Intense itching, presence of nits and lice on the scalp.

Physical examination, visualization of nits and lice.

Seborrheic eczema

Greasy, yellowish plaques, itching, scaling.

Physical examination, skin biopsy.


Red plaques with silvery scales, itching, thickened skin.

Skin biopsy, physical examination.

Lichen simplex chronicus

Purple plaques, intense itching, thickened skin.

Skin biopsy, physical examination.

Allergic contact dermatitis

Redness, blisters, itching, history of allergen exposure.

Allergy tests, physical examination.

Fungal infection

Red plaques and scaling, itching, nail involvement.

Skin culture, skin scraping examination.

Herpes zoster

Painful unilateral rash, vesicles progressing to crusts.

Viral culture, PCR, physical examination.

Anxiety and depression

Itching without skin lesions, history of psychological disorders.

Psychological evaluation, medical history.

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